Wednesday, January 23, 2013

I Will Not Fear!

I want to expose a spirit that is more dangerous than any sickness, disease, poverty or sin. It derails destinies, causes depression and stress and accelerates sickness and disease.

This spirit will try to convince you that you are lost, broke, sick, and will never do better! Many people don’t recognize it for what it is or for what it does.

I am talking about the spirit of fear.  Fear is a latent spirit that manifests itself in times of crisis. You can read of an example of this truth in Mark 4:35-41.  The disciples were fine until a storm arose and then that latent spirit of fear manifested itself.  They were torment by fear.

Latent means;present but not visible, apparent, or actualized; existing as potential: remaining in an inactive or hidden phase; dormant; existing in unconscious or dormant form but potentially able to achieve expression: dormant or undeveloped.

That spirit attacks the mind and the emotions in times of crisis.  If a crisis occurs in your life and negative thoughts and emotions try to overwhelm you, you have just discovered something that may have been there all along, a spirit of fear.  Fear is a dangerous, tormenting spirit that, if allowed, will blind a person to the word of God and to faith that causes us to overcome!  If you ever have an experience of this kind, do something about it.  If YOU do nothing about it, it will control your thought and your emotions when adversity arises.  YOU must acknowledge that evil spirit, rebuke that evil spirit, bind that evil spirit and command it to depart from your soul and the very atmosphere around you!  Then you must loose from the throne of God, His love, His peace, His power, His joy and His authority into your very spirit, soul and body!

After you have done those things, lift your hands and begin to praise, worship and magnify God for His victory in your total being!  Fear and torment does not come from God.  Treat fear and torment like the enemy it is!  Crush it with the word of God!  Speak words of faith, words of life, words of healing, words of victory, words of deliverance, words of success and favor over your life!  When you get rid of fear and it's torment, you can get rid of sickness, diseases, defeat, poverty depression and stress!

Read 1 John 4:18...Overcome fear by developing your love life and your faith life.  There is no fear in love....Galatians 5:6 Faith works by love....Love’s passion is the fuel of faith....John 14:23, 24, The evidence of love is obedience to the word of God....2 Timothy 1:7, God did not give you fear… 1 John 4: 18, Fear has torments... it causes disease, depression, stress.  Job 3:25, Fear attracts the very things you are afraid of.

If you are afraid of cancer, fear is attracting cancer and is developing it.  On the other hand, faith attracts and becomes the very things you are in need of.  Faith becomes our miracles and healing!

Faith is the supernatural, Divine, tangible substance and evidence of the heart that says, I AM MORE THAN A CONQUEROR THROUGH CHRIST AND I CANNOT BE DEFEATED!

Faith believes and confesses the promise, not the problem. Anyone who confesses the problem instead of the promise has a greater revelation of the problem than they do of the promise.  Meditate in the word of God until it becomes miracle life in you, healing life in you, peace life in you, joy life in you, authority life in you!

Your faith should stands in the gap and confessed the promise until the thing confessed becomes the thing possessed!  Fill your life with so much miracle healing word until there is no room for sickness, disease, infirmity, poverty, depression or defeat!

Read Psalms 118:6, be determined; I will not fear!

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