Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Women In Ministry

For many years, women have taken a lot of heat for their call to the ministry. I have listen and have heard the horrow stories of how many of them have been rejected and mistreated by male leaders, mislead saints or by various denominations. I would like to offer a word of encouragement to these women and also a suggestion. My suggestion for women who know they are called to the ministry: know your God; always be willing to forgive, stay free from bitterness, never try to justify yourself before man;never engage in a conversation about your ministry with those who doubt your calling. Establish fellowship with people who are of like precious faith. without reservation or hesitation, go and do what you have been called to do. Enjoy the ministry; enjoy the anointing; enjoy being used of the Holy Spirit! Win as many souls to Christ as you can and; preach! preach! preach! I have licensed and ordained women to the ministry for many years and most of them are very successful. People who are against women leaders either don't know the word of God or don't know the will of God (or neither). Such people should spend less time railing against women leaders and spend more time discovering who they are in Christ. When you discover your identity in Christ, you are not intimidated by others.

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