Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Treasures Of Darkness

Isaiah 45:3/ Jeremiah 29: 11-14/2 Corinthians 12:9/5-2-10, If you have money problems or have been sick, this word is for you; if you have had family problems or have been friendless, or lonely, this word is for you; if you are single and your body is screaming at you, this word is for you, If you are a single parent struggling to raise your children, I am speaking to you, if you have wrestled with principalities and powers in the night, listen up. If you have treaded down these narrow paths of darkness and felt as though no one knew what you were going through, you are the ones I have a message for. You may have been Divinely lead there; by no fault of your own or by disobedience. One thing is for sure, none of us planned to visit the planet of misery, but landed there nonetheless. If you are on planet misery, God has something there for you. An encouraging word: Gods’ grace is greater than your challenge (2 Corinthians 12:9)! Did you search for the treasures and riches in your darkness or did you just get mad? In that dark time (trial), is where you find your treasure. It will not always be money, it may be irresistible favor. Your treasure may be the answer to your marriage problem, the answer to your money problem, the answer to your job problem, the answer to your business problem, the answer to your relationship problems, the answer to your loneliness, a fresh anointing, joy that gives strength, peace that passes understanding, a word of direction in season, an unction to function. In that secret place, where it seems as though no one know what you were going through, is where God is revealed. Relationship with Him reveals His purpose, uncovers the silver, the gold and the diamonds to carry out His will. Gold and the diamonds are found in deep in the earth; you must dig for it. It isn’t what someone else has lost, because no one else has found it! Fool’s gold is on the surface. Your darkness night is suppose to lead to your brightest day; your deepest valley is suppose to lead to your ultimate peak; your greatest challenge is suppose to lead to your greatest victory; your weeping may endure for a night, but your greatest joy will come in the morning! But, you can’t have your brightest day until you have endured your darkness night; you can’t reach your ultimately peak until you have treaded your deepest valley; you can’t have your greatest victory until you have faced your greatest challenge; you appreciate joy after you have weep all night. God promised to satisfy thee in drought; Isaiah 58:11. Quit cursing your darkness (trials). Look inside yourself and ask God what He is trying to reveal to you through your dark hours. More than likely He is trying to reveal something to you about yourself or change something. Why are you at this place? We must understand the purpose of the darkness and take advantage of the lesson it teaches. You will get an answer! You will find answers during your dark hours that you won’t find at any other time. Don’t waste your dark times on bitterness, complaining or getting mad at God. Pray, fast, seek God and look for the treasure and the riches that those times provide just for you.

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