Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Serpent On A Pole

Numbers 21:5-9, John 3:12:14, 15, John 12:31-33 In Numbers 21:5, the people had sinned against God and Moses; verse 6, God sent fiery serpents among the people, they were bitten and many people died. Verse 7, the people repented and ask for prayer, Moses prayed. Verse 8, The Lord instructed Moses to make a brass fiery serpent and put it on a pole. Everyone that is bitten, when he looketh upon it , shall live. Moses made a serpent of brass, put it upon a pole, it came to pass that if a serpent had bitten any man when he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived. In scripture brass is significant of divine judgment. That Old Testament serpent on that pole was a type of Christ on the cross and what He accomplished there for us. Jesus was in the Old Testament concealed; in the New Testament revealed. The serpent on the pole was for the sake of the people. Everyone of us have been bitten by sin, sickness, poverty, pressure or stress. Jesus became to us as that brass serpent on a pole, in the form of judgment against it, that we may live free from it. In John 3:14, Jesus refer to Himself in relation to the serpent on the pole. In John 12:31-33 Jesus talked about His death, being lifted up and the judgment of this world; the serpent on a pole. Everyone who has been bitten by sin, sickness or poverty can receive deliverance. Beheld; to see or look at: I was surprised at the use this word, they looked until it became a past tense. Behold; lay eyes on, see, to perceive by sight or have the power to perceive by sight The key to deliverance is to; “behold the Serpent.” Most people have taken that part of the process to lightly. It is not a; snap, crackle, pop/slam, bam, yes maam type of thing. He must become our heart’s desire and total focus. We must spend time with Him. We must become Him. We must gaze upon Him, into Him and all of who He is to us. We must study Him. The Greeks were known to be people who study the scripture, they came to Jesus disciples and said; we would see Jesus (John 12:21). They went looking for Him! 1 Corinthians 1:22 says; the Greeks seek after wisdom. They wanted to see Jesus because they wanted to study Him, gaze upon Him! As our trust is in Him alone, He becomes Judgment upon the things that have vexed us. He became sin for us (2 Corinthians 5:21) He became poor for us (2 Corinthians 8:9) He took sickness upon Himself for us (1 Peter 2:24). Jesus took sickness into Himself on our behalf and judged them to set us free from them. Jesus was then made unto us; wisdom and righteousness and sanctification and redemption (1 Corinthians 1:30). Jesus became to us all of who we would need to be, what we would need to know and what we would need to do. You must behold Him, gaze upon Him and keep gazing until He becomes life in you and judgment comes upon your infirmity. It will cost you something; Obedience!

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