Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Fuel Of Faith

Mark 2:1-12 - Galatians 5:6, Love: passionate attraction and desire. What we see in Mark 2 is a demonstration of love and faith. All along the trail the Lord gives us demonstrations of what has been spoken n His Word. This is one of those cases. Faith is Gods’ (God is Love, 1 John 4:7, 8) supernatural ability in you to accomplish the impossible! All opposition is crushed by the power of faith that is fueled by love’s passion! With Gods’ faith in you, all things are possible, if you will work the principles! Let me help you get an understanding of faith. Faith is compared to love. It is difficult to understand faith without understanding love. Love has passion. Faith is fueled by love‘s passion. Without love’s passions, faith runs out of fuel. Love is an attribute of the heart. It’s either there or it’s not there. Faith is there, in operation or it isn‘t. Love is easy. Faith is easy. I don’t struggle to love my wife, it’s easy! Walking out your faith should be easy! Love does not need any help. Faith does not need any outside help. Stop depending on everyone else to help you believe. Faith in you should operate regardless of what anyone says or does. I don’t need anyone else to help me or tell me how to love my wife! Love dreams, envisions and yearns for the company of the desired one. Love continues until it has accomplished or acquired the presence of the person or thing desired. Love is passionate! It won’t quit! Faith has the same attributes, it is passionate and won‘t quit! The friends of the sick man were not discouraged by the crowd blocking the door. Their faith was fueled by love’s passion to the extent that they tore up the roof to get the man to Jesus! If you are not experiencing the same principles and passions in your heart concerning the things desired, I doubt if you are operating in faith. Love never fails, never quit and always finds a way! Faith never fails, never quit and always finds a way! Faith works by the same principles and passion as love. That is what Galatians 5:6 seeks to reveal to us. Faith works by love. Why? They are inseparable companions. Faith - Hope - Love. The Bible speaks of, faith and hope (Hebrews 11:1). The Bible speaks of Faith and love (Galatians 5:6). The Bible speaks of faith - hope - love together (1 Corinthians 13:13). I understand that love is greater than faith and faith is greater than hope, but the three are inseparable. Hope is in expectation of a future happening. Faith counts it done, finished and complete as though the future had arrived! Faith rejoices in the heart until the thing desired become the thing possessed! Love lends to faith it’s principles of unfailing passion to dream, envision and yearn for until the expected end has arrived! The period between the yearning and the arrival of the expected end is filled with anticipated rejoicing! Faith is like love, it refuses to be separate from whatever it dreams of, desire and yearn for!

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