Friday, January 18, 2013

The Relentless Pursuit Of God!

Over here in the west, we have minimized, instead of maximized the meaning of certain words. Pursuit is the word I am referring to today. True pursuit is costly, it requires something of you! I want to give meaning to the word pursue. Luke 18:1-8, this woman was relentless in her pursuit of justice. Relentless: pitiless, harsh, and persistent. Pursue: to follow in order to overtake, to chase. To proceed along or follow as a specified course action or plan. To try to find; strive for, seek. To follow as an occupation, profession or study. To continue; carry on. To continue to annoy or distress. I am convinced, we need to chase after God and overtake Him. The lady with the issue of blood understood that what she needed was in Christ. So, she pursued Him relentlessly (Mark 5:25-34)! She chased and overtook Jesus. The leper knew that his cleansing was in Jesus, so, he pursued Him relentlessly in faith (Matthew 8:2-4). Blind Bartimaeus knew that his sight was in Jesus, so he pursued Jesus relentlessly (Mark 10:46-52). Many people have the wrong impression of God and His ways. They believe that God will have pity on them while they wait in doubt, fear and unbelief. They think that God will feel sorry for them in their condition and manifest Himself outside of faith and His word. So, they sit and wait for God to do something. Usually their situation gets worse! We must come to ourselves, rise up and relentlessly pursue what belong to us in Jesus Christ! Jesus makes who He is available to us, Phil. 4:19. In Him we live, move and have our being (Acts 17:28). We must understand what is in Him? The Way, the Truth, the Life! Paul pursued and got grace. The blind got his sight. The lame was made to walk. The dumb was made to talk. The deaf was made to hear. He multiplied the fish and loaves. He stopped the storms, the winds and the rain. He walked on water. He raised the dead, cast out devils. Everyone’s need was in Him. They pursued until they overtook what was in Him! We must pursue after Him until His presence invades our lives, get His faith, get what He’s got and we can accomplish the things He has assigned to us. When we pursue after God, after the Holy Spirit, the same way we pursue many other things, we would be as full of God as we are these other things. What we have pursued after the most is what we are full of and what dictates our lives. Let there be no shortage of His presence of peace, joy, power, healing anointing, money or ministry in our lives! They are waiting for us in Him! Other people pursued until they apprehended that which they were apprehended of. It takes faith, focus, determination, tenacity and a relentless heart to acquire what is needed. You must chase after God!

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