Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Breastplate (Heart) Of Righteousness

Ephesians 6:14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;”

Facts About The Breastplate (Heart) of Righteousness.
Righteousness is doing from the heart what is right in God's sight.  
Righteousness is God's holiness established in our hearts. 
Our character and actions should reflect Christ righteousness. 
Righteousness does not change daily.
With the heart we believe.  With the mouth we confess.
Believers love unconditionally from the heart.  

Psalms 51:10 Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.

Seek God’s righteousness.  Find it in Christ and put it on!
Putting on the breastplate of righteousness is about more than just protecting the heart.  It is about desiring, putting on and protecting the type of heart God has made available to us through Jesus Christ.  The Psalmist yearned for a clean and righteous heart.  A righteous heart is available to us through Christ, but by faith we must receive it and put it on.  The breastplate of righteousness is about protecting the righteousness the heart has become.  Christ has given it, but it is our responsibility to yield to Christ, put it on and wear it!  

Also, when we seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness, it sets miracles in motions (Matthew 6:33).  

2 Corinthians 5:21 – “God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God” 

Imputed (given) righteousness.
The breastplate of righteousness refers to imputed (given) righteousness;
This means that Jesus Christ gives us His righteousness. He transfers His sinless account to us and our sinful account to Himself.  This is also called justification. – When this transfer takes place, it is as though we never sinned.  The sin slate is cleansed!  This takes place the moment we repent and confess Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord!.

His righteousness delivers us from sin, fear, doubt, bitterness and unbelief.  It delivers our heart from spiritual death because His righteousness gives us eternal life!  His breastplate of righteousness is what our heart has become!  

ROMANS 14:17 for the Kingdom of God is not meat and drink, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost.

Just don’t give it up!   
We will know when the righteousness of God has infused our heart!  His righteousness imparts to us Kingdom authority, perfect peace and Holy Ghost joy! The world cannot give us righteousness, only Jesus Christ!  What God gives the world cannot take away!  Just don’t give it up!  

The physical things of this world cannot be compared to what the righteousness of Jesus Christ provides to the believer!  Again, when the righteousness of God fills our heart, His Kingdom authority, His peace and His joy will flood our heart!  We are not the same as before!  We are new creatures in Jesus Christ!

Romans 10:10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

Guard your heart.

Christ righteousness is a heart issue.  We believe from the heart!  We confess with our mouth what we believe in our heart!  Whatever is in your heart will come out of your mouth!  

Please, don’t contaminate your heart with sin, doubt, fear, unbelief, gossip, bitterness, disobedience or jealousy. Those things will hinder your walk with God, your love walk and your faith walk.  


The person you desire to be and the things you desire to accomplish are too important to contaminate your heart with such meaningless things.  


Spend time in the word of God, spend time in prayer and worship, stand in Christ, stand in righteousness, stand in faith, confess a good confession!  


Put the breastplate (righteousness) on and keep it on! 

Go forth and conquer!


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