Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Faith Does It Everytime!

What is faith?
Faith is now!  Faith is the supernatural, tangible, substance and evidence of God that is lodged in our heart by the Word and Spirit of God.  Faith is God's supernatural ability in you and I to fulfill our assignments, appropriate promises and accomplish what seems impossible!

Faith is our possible! 
Matthew 19:26 But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, with men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.

Faith's fuel.
Agape love is the fuel of faith!  Love's passion never fails and never quit!  Faith never fails and never quits because it is supernatural, tangible, substance and evidence.  Faith is fueled by love's passion!  Therefore, if we will have a now faith walk, we must have a now love walk!

Galatians 5:6 reveals to us that; faith works by love.  Faith - hope and love are inseparable companions.  The Bible speaks of faith and hope (Hebrews 11:1). The Bible speaks of faith and love (Galatians 5:6). The Bible speaks of faith, hope and love together (1 Corinthians 13:13).

Faith is now!
I understand that love is greater than faith and faith is greater than hope, but the three are inseparable. Hope is in expectation of a future happening, but "now needs" requires "now faith!" Faith becomes what you need and counts it done, finished and complete as though the future had arrived!  Faith rejoices and gives thanks until the thing you desired becomes the thing acquired.  Faith is the thing confessed until the thing is possessed!

Envision victory
Love lends to faith its principles of unfailing passion to dream and envision victory until the expected end has manifested!

The period between the desired and the acquired, the confession and the possession should be filled with the words of faith, assurance and anticipated rejoicing!  By faith, your expected end has arrived!

Faith is now!
Believe it!
Receive it!
Confess it!
Possess it!
Say it out loud!

Monday, March 12, 2018


FAITH IS - Bishop Jim McIver

There is a journey that each of us should embark upon.  It is not an overnight, across town journey.  It is a journey called faith!  This faith journey is such a necessity that it will/should take a life time to walk it out.  As you continually search out and discover faith during this journey, be sure to hide it in a safe place and exercise it as often as possible and as necessary.  Your heart is the safest place for this faith to reside.  This faith that I am about to unveil to you can be used in every area of your life!  This faith causes you to reign in life as an over-comer!

This faith can keep you saved, healed and delivered!  This faith will deliver you from depression, suicidal tendencies, fear, doubt and unbelief!  This faith will help keep your children saved, keep you anointed and cause you to walk out peace and joy.  This faith will cause you to appropriate promises, fulfill destiny, support the work of the Kingdom and serve others in your church.  This faith will help you to resist the enemy and obey God in every area.  

After receiving Christ, this journey of faith is one of the most important one you will ever take!  You can operate successfully in this faith once you understand it and how it works.  The scriptures below provide great truth and examples of what I am teaching on.  This is a short version of a life time venture/discovery!  

Are you ready?  Let's start the journey!

What Is Faith?

Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

FAITH IS supernatural!  FAITH IS tangible!  FAITH IS evidence!  FAITH IS substance!  FAITH IS heart knowledge!  Faith changes you! Faith changes everything!

Where Does Faith Come From?

 Faith comes from Jesus. Faith comes into your heart through hearing the Word of God taught.  Also, study your Bible and Stay in church services to hear the word of God ministered.

Romans 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

Where Is Faith?  What Does Faith Do? 

Romans 10:10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

FAITH comes into your heart by the word and Spirit of God.  FAITH speaks it's substance and it's evidence that is in the heart! We believe, therefore we speak!

Faith In Action
Mark 10:46 And they came to Jericho: and as he went out of Jericho with his disciples and a great number of people, blind Bartimæus, the son of Timæus, sat by the highway side begging. 47 And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out, and say, Jesus, thou Son of David, have mercy on me. 48 And many charged him that he should hold his peace: but he cried the more a great deal, Thou Son of David, have mercy on me. 49 And Jesus stood still, and commanded him to be called. And they call the blind man, saying unto him, Be of good comfort, rise; he calleth thee. 50 And he, casting away his garment, rose, and came to Jesus. 51 And Jesus answered and said unto him, What wilt thou that I should do unto thee? The blind man said unto him, Lord, that I might receive my sight. 52 And Jesus said unto him, Go thy way; thy faith hath made thee whole. And immediately he received his sight, and followed Jesus in the way.

Bartimæus was blind, sitting by the wayside and begging. But the blind, wayside beggar heard about Jesus;  He heard the word, he heard that the blind man Healer was passing by. What he heard ignited faith in his heart.  He could no longer sit and be quiet!  Something happened in his heart!  His heart felt faith did something!  He cried out, he summoned the Son of God!  The crowd tried to shut him up.  But, he would not allow the skeptics to silence him. 

Bartimaeus knew that this was his moment, this was his time of deliverance.  His heart cry of faith caused Jesus to stand still!  Jesus stood still and summoned him to come.  His faith caused him to get up, cast aside his beggar's garment and make his way toward Jesus!  When faith comes, you will get up!

His cry of faith  invoked an inquiry:  

51 And Jesus answered and said unto him, What wilt thou that I should do unto thee?  

His faith spoke emphatically what he desired: 
The blind man said unto him, Lord, that I might receive my sight. 52 And Jesus said unto him, Go thy way, thy faith hath made thee whole!  And immediately he received his sight, and followed Jesus in the way.

The heart faith of Bartimaeus worked!  His faith healed him!  His faith made him whole! 

The blind's man faith was the supernatural, tangible, evidence and substance of what he needed!  He needed healing.  So, his faith became his healing until his healing manifested.  When he got faith, he started speaking what faith had become in him. That is the way faith works! 

Faith is the supernatural, tangible, substance and evidence of whatever your need is.  Faith replaces hope and becomes the supernatural, substance, evidence of what is desired or needed.  When faith arrives, you no longer hope because you have the supernatural, tangible, substance and evidence of what you were hoping for.  Faith becomes your healing until your healing manifest.  faith becomes your job, your car, your home or whatever your need is until it manifest.     

After faith has arrived, you will begin to confession what faith has become in you!  When faith arrives, you will no longer confess how sick you are.  You will confess what faith has become in your heart!  You will confess:  I am saved, I am healed, I am mightily anointed of the Holy Ghost, I am a giver, I am a harvester, I have my job, I have my home, I have my car!  My husband or my wife is saved, my children are saved, I live a better life! 

Afterward, he followed Jesus in the way!  He didn't choose his own path, he went the way of the Lord! 

Saturday, February 24, 2018

When Leaders Lack Support

In Search of Timothy: Traits of Great Supportive Ministers

By Tony Cooke
God the Father and Jesus are perfect in every way. Yet, both encountered problems in their leadership. Were their problems the result of poor leadership or poor follower-ship? The reality: Even great leaders cannot achieve optimum results without good follower-ship.

When Leaders Lack Support
Pastors often feel pressure because they do not have enough help. This problem is not new. Moses complained to the Lord: “I am not able to bear all these people alone, because the burden is too heavy for me” (Numbers 11:14).1

Paul was a great leader, but he did not always have the help he needed. Writing to Timothy, he said, “For I have no one like-minded, who will sincerely care for your state. For all seek their own, not the things which are of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 2:20,21).

Even great leaders cannot produce great followers without cooperation. Had it been solely up to Paul, he would have generated dozens of Timothys. Many leaders have compelling assignments from God, but they struggle because potential helpers are consumed with seeking their own and will not help carry the leader’s vision.

No One Else Like Timothy
Paul needed a representative — someone to reflect his heart. A hireling would not meet the need. This person must genuinely care for and serve the best interests of others. Paul had only one person available and capable of doing this — Timothy.

Paul described Timothy as “like-minded,” a word meaning equal soul. Timothy knew and shared Paul’s heart, values, priorities, purpose, convictions, and attitudes. 

Timothy was not self-promoting or self-willed. He had no personal agenda; this is what made him so valuable to the apostle Paul. He wanted to serve God by helping Paul. 

How tragic that Timothy’s attitude was an exception when it should have been the norm.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Wealth is God's will for you!

Bishop McIver's blog 10 – 26 - 07
Deuteronomy 8:18 - Proverbs 3:9 ,10–Psalms 66:10-12–Luke 6:38-3 John 3:2

I believe that a time of great financial blessing is on the way to the Lord’s people!

It's ok if you talk about salvation: soul winning and the second coming of Christ. But the moment you open your mouth and mention money, you are almost immediately labeled a false prophet. There are groups around operating under the guise of Christianity who believe their ministry is to watch and expose ministries who raise large amounts of money (they especially watch and expose Pentecostals and Charismatics). These groups who are watching, are themselves sending out letters and making appeals for financial support. My question is; who is watching those who say, they are watchers? I have come to conclude that they are doing more harm than they are good. The enemies of the cross love these groups because they are hindering and casting doubt on those who are advancing the Kingdom Christ!

The Old and New Testament are filled with scriptures revealing that it is God’s will for His people to not only be saved from sin, but; be blessed financially. He has said that; He gives us power to get wealth and then He named the kind of wealth He is referring to (Deuteronomy 8:1-20, especially verse 18). It was not just spiritual wealth; it was financial and material wealth. There are many other scriptures throughout the Bible that reveals God’s will to bless us financially. The fact that there are those who have abused financial prosperity does not negate the truth of God’s will to bless His people financially. Instead of sending money all over the country to everyone who makes an appeal for money, every believer need to think first and give in a responsible manner.

The enemies and opposers of Christ and His kingdom would love to stop the advancement of the kingdom of Christ. Christ and His kingdom is the most feared Kingdom on the face of the earth! Why? Because it strikes a blow against the wickedness that’s in our heart and demand that we walk in Christ love! If the enemies of Christ can stop the cash flow from getting to those who preach the Kingdom of God: they have succeeded. God’s Kingdom of authority and love must be propagated and it is our responsibility to finance it. Therefore, the Lord has no problem with His people having plenty of money so that they are able to finance His cause.

It has been asked millions of times; why do people get so offended when a minister, or anyone talks about financial prosperity? Because, these mockers and attackers have serious issues of the heart. Through the years, I have observed that for the most part; the ones who launch these attacks are the one who are doing nothing, have nothing, give nothing and are jealous of those who are otherwise! Many of these people have had serious mental and emotion problems. They would never admit to it, but they have never been delivered from past anger, bitterness, resentment, abuse, rejection, hatred and much more.

These “watch groups” have become very slick in their money raising efforts; they have found a way to capitalize financially by supposedly exposing those who are raising large sums of money, but at the same time, they are raising money. It does not bother me that the “watch groups” are raising money for a cause. What’s troubling is: instead of preaching Christ and establishing the Kingdom of God, their cause is to oppose the one who are advancing the Kingdom of Christ.

What should the believer do when faced with situations like this? Study the scriptures and know the will of God for yourself. Don’t just take my word or anyone else’s, word, know the word and will of God for yourself! Regardless of what you are currently experiencing, is it God’s will for you to be poor, not be able to pay your bills, can’t buy clothes for your children and can’t support His Kingdom; or is it His will for you to be wealthy so that you may support the Kingdom of God, feed your family, drive a nice car and pay your mortgage? Don’t be influenced by criticism; be influenced by the word of God.


Bishop Jim McIver


Tuesday, January 16, 2018



When we pray, we must be sure that we are praying specifically and correctly.  If we are not praying correctly, there will be no answer.  Always pray according to God's word and God's will.

As a matter of fact, we should just pray the word of God!  When you pray the word of God, you are praying the will of God because God's word is His will!  The word of God has it's own ability, it's own authority and it's own life!   When you speak and pray the word of God, you are speaking and praying life!  When you pray and speak the word of God, the answer is imminent! 

There are prayers that the Lord cannot answer, such as, God please heal me!

The reason He cannot answer that prayer?  He has already healed you!

We must quit praying and asking the Lord to do what He has already done!  You will never have a need that the Lord has not already supplied!  If you need it, it has been supplied!  It just takes faith to receive it and you have faith!   

Have the sick person to repent of their sins.  Minister the healing Word of God to the sick to develop faith in them.  Lay hands on the sick, rebuke the sickness, bind the sickness, curse the sickness and disease at the root. Be specific of what you are rebuking, binding and cursing.  Call it by name.  Speak with authority, loudly and command it to "go" in Jesus Name!

As you are laying hands on the sick, loose the Miracle healing power of God in their body. Believe that the Holy Spirit is manifesting miracle healing in their body as you are praying.

Have the sick person to receive and confess their miracle healing by faith.  Give thank to God for the miracle healing even if you are in pain!

Faith is not what you feel.  Faith is what you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth!

Your faith will destroy that infirmity!

Never allow yourself to say, I am sick......

We must know what Christ has provided for us and give thanks for that provision until it manifest!  Hold fast to your confession of the promises until the promise is fulfilled!  Faith is the substance and evidence of healing until healing manifest!

Faith fills the gap and becomes whatever is needed until whatever is needed manifest and burst forth!

Isaiah 53:5... By His stripes, WE WERE HEALED!!